The Protagonists Pub

Where Characters Gather

Can’t Help Falling by Courtney Walsh was the third installment of the Sweater Weather Series. I read in on my Kindle Unlimited subscription. This is my second Courtney Walsh book this year and the only book by her I have finished. It is a clean romantic comedy.

Emmy owns the bookstore in Harvest Hollow and is a hopeless romantic. Owen is a firefighter who just recently moved back home to Harvest Hollow. The book opens up with Owen rescuing Emmy from her burning home and the local newspaper photographer catches the photo. Owen carrying Emmy from her home with just one bunny slipper on. The town is captivated and from there the story takes off.

I LOVED this book so, so much. The humor, the writing, the characters, and the love story were just phenomenal. Emmy is a protagonist who knows who she is and isn’t living in the past, holding grudges, or whines about past perceived hurts. She is a strong, independent woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Owen is a man with many hurts in his past, but he refuses to let those past hurts destroy his present and future.

I read this book the day it released, and I reviewed it on Booktube this same week. I loved this depiction of second chance romance between grumpy and sunshine characters. Emmy has this unshakeable belief in grand gestures of romantic love being the be all end all of love. Owen is practical and believes that romance and love is found in the everyday acts we do for the ones we love. Over time we experience Emmy grow and understand the vital difference between the grand gesture and every day.

This book, these characters are so beautifully written and if the reader is paying attention teach something vital that is missing from romance in general. I talk about this in my video, but love isn’t found on “the list” we keep in our heads of traits our future spouse “must have”, it isn’t found in the fleeting grand romantic gestures. Rather, true and last love is found in the small things, the everyday things we far too often take for granted.

Emmy, Owen, and the entire cast of characters are welcome into the pub anytime. I highly recommend this book to anyone and it is so far, hands down, the best book of the series to date.

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