The Protagonists Pub

Where Characters Gather

Cold Light of Day by Elizabeth Goddard was a Kindle read. It is the first book in the Missing in Alaska series. It is a Christian romantic suspense novel.

A hiker in remote Alaska witnesses a murder and is soon on the run for his life. In the distance he sees a town, can he make it through the forest quickly and quietly to safety? Thus opens the book, immediately drawing the reader into the story.

Unfortunately, the remainder of the book does not live up to the opening. The action is non-stop, from one emergency to another the action doesn’t let up. Which would be fine, except this is a romance. Another book that has the main characters in life threatening situations somehow fall in love. If this was just a Christian suspense novel, then it would be much better novel. Instead, romance gets through into the mix which drags down the story. The romance would have been fine, if it had a beginning to a potential romance rather than concluding in declarations of love.

You are probably wondering why I didn’t DNF the book since I clearly wasn’t a fan. Simple answer, I have the ARC for the second book on my NetGalley list. I was intending to read it immediately after finishing this one but I couldn’t bring myself to start the next one.

This isn’t poorly written but I didn’t enjoy the insta-love under duress, which isn’t surprising. If you enjoy Christian romantic suspense and don’t mind love springing from duress, than pick up this series.

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