The Protagonists Pub

Where Characters Gather

Voice of the Ancient by Connilyn Cossette was an Advanced Reader’s Copy from NetGalley. It is Biblical fiction and the first book in The King’s Men series. It will be published by Bethany House and releases on 15 August 2023. This was my first book from the author and only the third book in the Biblical fiction genre I can recall ever reading. It will not be my last book from the author or the genre.

What happens when a young man, Avidan, who is destined by his birth into the Levite clan to be a priest decides to join the call to arms issued by the newly crowned King Saul? Who is Keziah and how does her impending marriage to a much older and dangerous man play into the story?

These fascinating characters failed to resonate with me for the first quarter to the first third of the book. It had nothing to do with the story, characters, or writing style. Rather, it had everything to do with my personal lack of knowledge making events and descriptions in the book cause such confusion that I kept referring to outside sources. Once my brain was satisfied with the answers I found, and the purchasing of books to further alleviate my knowledge deficit, I settled in and lost myself in their story.

This is a beautiful story that shouldn’t scare off the average reader because it is classified as Biblical fiction. It doesn’t retell a Bible story, rather it is historical fiction set in the setting of the events of the Old Testament. Don’t be intimidated that I had to go to do some research to immerse myself in the story, that is a byproduct of my brain and not a reflection on the author or the story itself. I loved these characters and the story woven around them and with them.

The adventure, the risk, the discovery that God never sets you upon a path you are incapable to walking and being successful in, even when you doubt that for much of the journey. This is very much a story of journey over destination. Without the journey, the ultimate destination would fail to have nearly the meaning and lasting impact.

Avi and Kez would be welcomed into the pub at anytime. I think sitting down and having a conversation with them would be incredibly fascinating.

Edit: I did receive an Advanced Readers Copy in exchange for my fair and honest review.

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